Workplace Safety and Workers’ Compensation

Workplace Safety and Workers’ Compensation

Table of Contents

Work compensation professionals emphasize the importance of workplace safety, but how do workers comp and safety correlate? Safety and workers’ compensation are two critical components of workplace management that work together to protect employees and maintain a productive work environment. By promoting safety, employers can reduce the frequency and severity of workplace injuries, leading to a more efficient workers’ compensation program and can result in lower insurance premiums.

The Importance of a Workplace Safety Program

Workplace injuries are all too frequent and can be very costly. Employers reported 2.6 million non-fatal workplace injuries in 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Approximately one-third of those workplace injuries resulted in the worker missing days away from work. The best way to prevent these devastating accidents is to establish a comprehensive safety program.

Safety programs can vary significantly in their depth and extent, contingent upon the size and nature of a business. Naturally, industries with higher levels of risk and complexity necessitate more comprehensive and stringent safety measures compared to smaller, low-risk industries. A well-designed workplace safety program involves the following key components:

  • Management Commitment
  • Safety Policies and Procedures
  • Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification
  • Training and Education
  • Safety Equipment and Resources
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation Process
  • Safety Committees
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Compliance with Regulations
  • Incentives and Recognition
  • Continuous Improvement

Investing in a health and safety program might seem difficult and costly, especially if your workplace involves a lot of hazards. But investing your time and money in a safety program will, in fact, save your company money in the long run and help you stay OSHA compliant.

Where to Start

So, where should you start when it comes to safety efforts? Ideally, you should start by identifying all of the possible risks at your company. You can do this by conducting a thorough audit of your facility or job site. Some potential next steps are developing a written safety program, sharing your processes and safety manual, and maintaining the program. These efforts are just the tip of the iceberg. For something more comprehensive, work with a work comp professional and risk manager.

Attention Mod Advisor users – we have resources that help explain key safety program components and ways to build it out within our software. If you are not a Mod Advisor user and want to learn more, reach out to us today at [email protected]!

* The information contained in this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional, legal, or insurance advice.